How and Why Marketers Should Learn Coding and Web Development

Even if you have no dreams of becoming a programmer, learning how to code is one of the best things you can do for your marketing career. With technology growing leaps and bounds, many industries now greatly rely on code – that includes the marketing industry. Believe it or not, understanding the world of code is now an essential skill for the modern marketer.
Should Marketers Learn Coding and Web Development?
The answer is a resounding yes. Learning how to code is an indispensable skill in the rapidly evolving field of digital marketing. It gives your marketing campaign that unique flavour. Learning this skill provides many opportunities for your creative juices to flow. Whether it’s tinkering with the size of images or the layout of a website, having this skill in your toolbox can give your campaigns that much-needed boost.
Why Should Marketers Learn Coding and Web Development?
There are too many reasons why a marketer must delve into the field of coding. Easier communication with developers and new marketing opportunities are just the tip of the iceberg. Here’s why you should add this skill to your arsenal:
Better Understanding of Data
Have you ever encountered web reports where the metrics seem to be too difficult to analyze? Learning how to code helps solve that. Digital marketers especially must learn how to read web analytics reports and interpret this data. Excellent marketers aren’t limited to knowing the definition of these metrics, they also know what influences them. But, a digital marketer cannot do this alone. Working with a team of data scientists and data engineers will help you make the most out of your data.
It doesn’t end there – another great thing about getting into this field is gaining the skill to visualize data. By using Python, you improve your presentation of data. You can bid farewell to basic Excel templates and present your data in a more creative manner by using visualization libraries like Matplotlib.
Easier Communication With Tech Partners
One of the biggest advantages of learning the language of code is the ease of communication with programmers. It isn’t rare to see a miscommunication between marketers and web developers in the deployment of marketing campaigns. That’s why it pays to have a basic understanding of how coding works. You make the most out of your time and your budget by having discussions with the people who turn your ideas into fruition. Also, you can ask the right questions and manage your timelines more accurately so you can launch the perfect marketing campaign.
Up Your SEO Game
Finding ways to improve your SEO practices? Learn how to code! Marketers are aware of how important SEO is in order for a website to show up in search results. Your best bet is to learn HTML if you want to get into the technical side of SEO. That means the meta descriptions, keywords, and title tags – understanding these can help your websites stay a cut above the rest.
DIY Practices
As a marketer, you might want to make some changes to your website without bothering developers who have other priorities. That’s where your coding skills come into the picture. By mastering this skill, you no longer need to consult a developer. Instead, you can make simple changes all by yourself! It may be a simple resizing of an image or executing A/B testing, knowing the basics of programming goes a long way.
How Can Marketers Learn Coding and Web Development?
The world of coding may seem daunting, but learning something new doesn’t always have to be so intimidating. Here are a few steps that you can take so you can make the most out of your learning experience.
Choose a Language
When it comes to coding, you have multiple formatting and programming languages to choose from – HTML, Python, Javascript, and so much more! Your choice primarily depends on your goals. Do you aim to program websites? If yes, then go for HTML. If you want to work in the in-demand field of data science, choose Python. And if you’re interested in the frontend development of websites, learn JavaScript. The programming languages aren’t limited to these, but ultimately your choice depends on your goals as a marketer.
Take a Course
With so many options for learning available, taking a course is one of the best ways to guide you in your coding journey. These courses are usually available all over the internet. And even better, some courses don’t require you to spend a single dime! To choose the best course for you, look for one that best fits your learning style. There are self-paced courses for the more independent ones and cohort-based programs for those who want to engage with a community guided by a mentor.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to learn complex mathematical equations to understand the basics of code. And that’s why it’s a no-brainer that marketers should start dipping their toes into the world of web development. With the ever-changing marketing environment in the digital age, learning how to code is practically a must if you don’t want to be left behind. So if you’re looking to expand your marketing skill set, you can never go wrong with learning the language of code.
About the Author
Bash Sarmiento is a writer and an educator from Manila. He writes laconic pieces in the education, lifestyle and health realms. His academic background and extensive experience in teaching, textbook evaluation, business management and travelling are translated in his works.
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